Saturday, June 28, 2008

Reunion Funnies

People in the family kept on making funnies. They are so funny sometimes. So, I wrote down what I heard. Add more if you can remember other ones that I have missed.

1. Terry Meinzer's toilet paper demonstration. I'll add pictures later demonstrating that.

2. Tav's Great & Spacious building. Or as he calls it: the Taj Mahal.

3. Ryan Meinzer - Calling himself Chef Salmonella as he was cooking breakfast.

4. "Excuse Morning" - Russell's Aubrey. I was walking behind her when she turned around and almost bumped into me. She was trying to say excuse me and good morning at the same time.

5. Ryan Meinzer - "Anybody got a toothbrush I can borrow? Any takers?"
Kim - "You can use a branch?"
Ryan - "I was going to use a rock."

6. Terry Meinzer - "Ok, now it's the real Meinzer family!" When we were taking individual family photos.

7. Terry Madsen - "If you have leftovers can I use it for my newtons?" Tierra was pumping milk for the baby.

8. Greg - "B of Gay (Bank of America)" When talking about mortgages.

9. Kim - Calling Neopolitan Ice Cream Napolean ice cream.

10. It's not a Meinzer gathering until something explodes. The incident? Tyler throwing a container with oil on the fire and waking up the camp.

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